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As a foster, you will be providing a range of care in your home from short-term to long-term care for the cat(s). There are many opportunities for both new and experienced fosters!
But, why foster with us? Kitty Bungalow deals with a very specific population. The cats in our care tend to be off the mean-streets of Los Angeles and sometimes, they're a little under-socialized. By fostering with us, you get the rewarding experience of helping us take those cats from hiss to home!

Foster Opportunities

There are many opportunities when it comes to fostering, such as:
Under-socialized moms & babies
Friendly moms & babies
Medical fosters (treating ringworm, URI, or diarrhea) we provide medical supplies, you do the care!
Underaged kittens 4-8 weeks eating on their own
Bottle baby kittens 0-4 weeks (expect to be home most of the day, not ideal for those who work outside of the home)
Socialization of kittens less than 8 weeks old
Single friendly adults
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