Feral to Fabulous Webinars

Tabitha Kucera is an elite fear free and low stress handling certified RVT, CCBC, and KPA-CTP. She is the owner of Chirrups and Chatter cat and dog behavior consulting and training in Cleveland, Ohio. She loves educating others through writing, behavior consulting, and lecturing on all things cats and dogs including enrichment, socialization, Fear Free handling, and more. She enjoys the opportunity to help people better understand and relate to pets.
Hiss to Purr: Socializing Kittens Webinar
While most foster kitten raisers focus on keeping the kittens medically healthy, it is also very important to socialize them. This is what will keep them in life-long & loving homes. We want them to be outgoing, friendly, and social with many different people and in many different environments. You may have kittens that exhibit signs of being fearful or feral but, with the right strategies and techniques, they can be socialized into happy, loving, & well-adjusted pets. This webinar will detail techniques and methods aimed at transitioning these kittens into living comfortably in a home. While these techniques may be geared towards helping recently-outdoor kittens, these strategies can also be used to work with other fearful felines.
Date: May 28th, 2020
Time: 12pm-1pm
Cost $20
The webinar will be recorded and available for one week after the event. 100% of the proceeds to go Kitty Bungalow's Feral to Fabulous Fundraiser.
No More Cat Wrangling: Feline Friendly Handling Webinar
Many cats feel fear, anxiety, and stress when being handled and/or approached. The effects of feeling this way can lead to reduced quality of life for the patient and animal care teams, an increase in injury to staff, and make owners less likely to bring their cats in for veterinary visits. Fear, anxiety, and stress can also make veterinary visits more difficult and lead to lower-quality care, fewer diagnostics, and ultimately poorer medical outcomes. Lastly, it can lead to cats being surrendered due to broken bonds between pets and their owners. This is why it is vital for us to do what we can to limit fear, anxiety, and stress in the cats we are working with and provide consistent, positive human to cat social interactions. In this session, we will discuss the effects and how to identify the signs of fear, anxiety, and stress in our cats. We will also discuss tools and handling techniques that can help reduce fear, anxiety, and stress in cats thus making the shelter, veterinarian, and home an overall less stressful and happier place for cats, visitors, employees, and volunteers. When a cat’s fear and anxiety are reduced, animals will be more adoptable and more likely to stay in long-term, loving homes.
Date: May 28th, 2020
Time: 1:30pm-2:30pm
Cost $20
The webinar will be recorded and available for one week after the event. 100% of the proceeds to go Kitty Bungalow's Feral to Fabulous Fundraiser.