Charm School Hiss-tory

Kitty Bungalow Charm School for Wayward Cats received non-profit status in 2009.
We began in a backyard trailer as a hands-on, grassroots effort to address rampant feline overpopulation in Los Angeles. After much success, we expanded operations into a house in south LA where we continue to help as many feral cats as possible through adoptions, TNR, Working Cat, and other programs.
Feral cats and kittens are two of the most vulnerable groups when it comes to shelter euthanasia.
Our cornerstone is TNR, or Trap Neuter Return, in which feral cats are trapped, fixed, vaccinated for rabies, ear-tipped for easy identification, and returned to where they came from -- thus improving the health and stability of the colony and preventing further proliferation. TNR is the most effective and most humane way to address our overpopulation problem, but an injunction in the city of Los Angeles means Kitty Bungalow is one of the few organizations using TNR to save lives.
Working Cat is another life-saving program that rescues feral (un-adoptable) cats from the streets and shelter death row by placing them on private property where they can live out their lives as mousers, or as we put it: eco-friendly pest control.
Each year we adopt out hundreds of kittens that have passed through our Charm School socialization curriculum.
We rely on the help of our hundred weekly volunteers as well as donations to continue operating.

Kitty Bungalow socializes feral kittens taking hissy babies and turning them into purring lap cats. We provide one-on-one attention to each feral kitten through physical exercises and delicious food bribes to earn trust.
With our teaching staff of over 100 weekly volunteers, we bring these scared kittens to the understanding that there are humans providing loving, secure homes. Upon graduation, these kittens continue to blossom, growing into the most wonderful house cats a family could desire.